What systems does Schoolytics integrate?

Schoolytics integrates your SIS, LMS, assessments, and spreadsheets into a single source of truth

Creating a comprehensive educational ecosystem is time and resource-intensive, as it involves seamlessly integrating different data sources.

Schoolytics is a powerful platform that simplifies this process by connecting Student Information Systems (SIS), assessment tools, and Learning Management Systems (LMS) into one cohesive system. Customization is at the forefront of the platform, allowing for tailored dashboards, new integrations upon request, and actionable monitoring alerts. 

This knowledge base article is designed to help educators and administrators understand examples of pre-built integrations with popular LMS, SIS, and assessment platforms. 

Integrations march 2024


For detailed guidance on integrating your educational tools with Schoolytics, please visit the Schoolytics Integrations page or submit a question to our team

Commitment to customization: We build with you

If your district needs data from a platform we have yet to connect with, we’ll build it. Alternatively, you can upload your own data right away with our secure data templates.